
International Street and Puppet Theatre Festival

PUPPET FAIR – 13 – 21.09.2024




The PUPPET FAIR International Street and Puppet Theatre Festival has been organized by the Sofia Puppet Theatre since 2002. In 2004 it was established as a biennale with Decision № 73/13.05.2004 of the Sofia Municipal Council and included in the Sofia Municipality Cultural Events Calendar.



  1. To create diverse, high-quality programme of performances for different age groups.
  2. To promote the contemporary trends and artistic pursuits in puppetry.
  3. To create conditions for communication and creative contacts for artists from various countries.
  4. To stimulate exchange of ideas about the development of the art of puppetry.
  5. To support creativity and international dissemination of cultural values, the movement of artists, cultural workers and their works with a focus on cultural diversity and development of new forms of cultural expression.



  1. The International Puppet Theatre Festival is organized every other calendar year as a biennale.
  2. The festival is not a competition.
  3. Participants in the International Puppet Theatre Festival PUPPET FAIR are professional theatres from Bulgaria and abroad.
  4. The festival features performances of various genres, styles, age type and language, including street theatre.
  5. Each theatre can participate with no more than two performances.
  6. Applicants forward a written proposal for participation, accompanied by a filled application form, a technical rider, a visual material – DVD, or a valid online link leading to a video of the recorded performance proposed for selection, 5 high-resolution photos, advertising materials by 15 October at the latest of the year preceding the festival year.
  7. Applications whose documentation set referred to in point 11 above shall not be considered.
  8. Selection:
    • The selection of performances is done by a Selection Committee appointed by the director of Sofia Puppet Theatre.
    • The following criteria apply:
  • High quality and originality dramaturgy
  • The directing solution
  • High quality acting
  • Visual of the performance – scenography, costumes, puppets
  • Overall aesthetic and artistic suggestion
  • Efficiency/size of the team, transport costs, fees, insurance, equipment rental fees etc.
  • The costs for the selected performances in the Bulgarian and foreign programme should not exceed the budget estimate.
  1. The festival Selection Committee proposes to the Sofia Puppet Theatre director the selected theatre groups to be included in the festival programme and to conclude agreements for participation.
  2. The selected theatre groups will receive an official invitation for participation by 31 January of the festival year at the latest.
  3. All costs related to the theatre groups’ participation in the festival and stay in Sofia shall be covered by the festival, including accommodation, meals or daily allowances, customs duties.
  4. Transportation on the territory of Bulgaria for foreign theatre groups is fully covered by the organisers. For Bulgarian theatre groups the festival provides partial transportation cost allowance.
  5. The financial conditions for guest theatre groups shall be negotiated individually, including for accompanying events in accordance with the festival financial means.
  6. All participant theatre groups receive a diploma and a festival plaque.
  7. The income from the festival performances shall be to the benefit of the Sofia Puppet Theatre.
  8. The copyright costs of the selected performances shall be covered by the participant theatre group.



  1. Accompanying events of the festival are seminars, master classes, working meetings, exhibitions related to the theory and practice of the puppetry development.




  1. The PUPPET FAIR International Street and Puppet Theatre Festival is organized by Sofia Puppet Theatre, Sofia Municipality in partnership with the Ministry of Culture, the Association of Puppet Theatre in Bulgaria ACT-UNIMA Bulgaria, Union of Bulgarian Actors, National Academy of Theatre and Film Arts “Kr. Sarafov” (NATFA).
  2. The director of Sofia Puppet Theatre appoints the organization committee for the festival with an order.
  3. The festival organization is managed by an organization committee presided by the director of Sofia Puppet Theatre.
  4. The organization committee performs the overall preparation and organization of the festival.
  5. The funds for the organization of the PUPPET FAIR festival are provided by Sofia Municipality, Sofia Puppet Theatre, the Ministry of Culture, the Association of Puppet Theatre in Bulgaria ACT-UNIMA Bulgaria, Union of Bulgarian Actors, National Academy of Theatre and Film Arts “Kr. Sarafov”, foreign cultural institutes in Sofia, sponsors, partners, grants etc.




Sofia Puppet Theatre

14 “Gen. Gurko” Str.

1000 Sofia


GSM: +359 878734681

          +359 878734688

Tel./Fax: +359 2 987 72 88



